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26/01/2016 00:06
I haven't written here in a long time .. Actually it has been more than a year. I prefer to write it down in a notebook. I guess the writting with pen itself helps. Atm I am not able to write there so why not write here as I really need it right now.  Things have been really hard, I couldn't...


12/01/2015 05:06
I've been trying to sleep for more than an hour and a half now and I just can't. I found myelf looking at goodbye quotes.  Today I felt better .. I mean it was horrible to get up but once I did and went to dinner with my friends I felt better and after I got back I actually managed to study...


06/01/2015 22:39
I felt like I needed to change, not as a person because I like who I am, what I had gone through made me who I am. But because I felt that in order to move on I needed to be someone else, I had to change some things in my life. I felt stuck in my own self.  Some people in these situations cut...


05/01/2015 02:47
It's almost 3 am so not really the 4th anymore but .. I haven't been able to sleep. Yesterday I found something out. I found out that even when we forgive people and try our best to be their friends they still disappoint you and lie to your face. It's sad when someone tells you that they know you...


03/01/2015 00:30
On new years eve I was devastated and so at 4am I booked tickets to come to Portugal .. Now here I am. I've been trying my best so people wouldn't know I'm sad but it took me so much energy that now I can't anymore. I came to the point that I just want to face that I am not fine and that I need...

First step for letting go

30/12/2014 02:36
Today I made something I should probably have done a few years ago.  Friends have been telling me that I'm depressed and some experiments I had to due for uni wrote me back saying that maybe I should get help as I have depression syntoms. So I called the GP today and I got an appointment for...

Effect of love

16/11/2014 23:40
It's been a while since I have written .. I've been avoiding it. Well, last time I wrote something I was struggling, waiting for a decision. I made it, I got to go back to the place I wanted to. But unfortunately, with happiness comes pain.  There's this boy I've been in love with and this...

Holding On ..

31/07/2014 22:08


31/07/2014 20:17
  Sometimes we think our life is miserable, I mean, it might be for us but others might think we just like to make it that way. There are people starving, without family, people who have nothing and I guess that those people feel devasted but try to live, they fight everyday of their life's to...

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